Superb versatility and an easy to use interface – FormForAll makes form-building look so simple!

If you manage your own website, it’s almost a given that you’ll need a contact form to keep in touch with visitors to your site. Why then is it that it’s so difficult to source a reliable form builder?
One possible solution to your form builder headache can be found on the FormForAll website.
FormForAll has been designed with user-friendliness in mind – both for the person setting it up and for those actually using the forms it produces. The drag and drop interface is a prime example of this kind of thinking, and it definitely cuts out a lot of the hard work.
Part of this drive for supreme user-friendliness includes the social login option for Facebook and Google users. This function is particularly useful if you’ve no time to waste! Responsive design adds to the draw of this package. All forms published by this solution will look equally good, whether they’re displayed on smartphone, tablet computer or standard PC!
The full range of features can be seen on
So, you’ve seen a little of what FormForAll technology can do for you. Still not convinced? Maybe the best thing to do is to click here and have a quick browse of the selection of sample contact, enquiry and booking forms.

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